When I first started in tiling - a long time ago now! - it was in pool tiling, so I've done quite a lot of pools over the years. It's nice to get back to where I started sometimes :)
As you can see, we started with old pebblestone coping around the pool that had certainly seen better days.
First up was screeding the coping to get everything level and ready to lay.
We then laid the tiles around the coping, taking care to get the curve exactly right.
A special solution was required for the hatch for the skimmer box. We cut in the tiles around it, and constructed a cover tile that matched exactly with a custom handle.
You can hardly even see where the hatch is, it blends in so well.
Once the coping was in place, it was time to cut and lay the edging. The side of the coping is often left as is, but tiling up the side finishes everything off nicely and looks a lot neater.
The finished coping looks fantastic and makes a huge difference to the pool!
With the help of some photo editing, we think it looks even better with some fake grass and new fence! Unfortunately we don't often get to see the final finished product after a renovation, as tiling is not the last trade on site. So sometimes we have to use our imagination :)