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Bathroom and toilet renovation

This was a complete renovation and tiling of a bathroom and toilet at Southport.

Bathroom floor and wall tiling

First up was waterproofing - our most critical step.

Waterproofing toilet floor

Waterproofing bathroom floor and walls

Bedding was next, always important to make sure the fall to the shower waste is right, to make sure all the water goes where it's supposed to - down the drain.

Bedding prepared for tiling bathroom floor

Then starting to lay the tiles.

Tiled shower recess showing fall to waste

Tiled toilet floor with waterproofing

Bathroom wall laying tiles

Shower niches are becoming much more popular, and for good reason. We use aluminium trims to protect the edge and provide a neat finish.

Retiled bathroom floor and walls

Tiled shower niche with aluminium trim

We use a hole saw to cut around pipes to get a neat finish as close as possible.

Tiled bathroom wall and floor with cutout for pipes

We don't usually get to see the finished room with fitout, but at least the tiles look great!

Tiled bathroom walls and floor


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